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Mar 13, 2009

How True is All This?

NV: Their break-up wasn't really a break-up in terms of finality. It was over summer plans. NV were supposed to go away together, but his grandfather convinces him to take an internship instead. Vanessa thinks he's changing into something his family wants, that he doesn't want. NV still care about each other very much, but it's about Nate finding himself.

CB: Chuck and Blair kiss after Carter leaves. However, it ends badly in that Chuck says he wants to see the old Blair again, and she says the old Blair is gone. When he goes back to see Blair at her apartment, he finds Nate's jacket...

NB: After the NV breakup, Nate meets up with Blair and they start reminiscing about how their lives had been planned out.

Moar CB: Chuck tells Serena he thinks he's losing Blair after the CB makeout/"you've changed" conversation. Serena tells him to fight for her, so he goes and has another scene with Dorota! :D He asks to see B, but Dorota says she's sleeping. He says, "please tell her I came by," and THAT'S when he sees N's jacket.

NB Again: Their second scene is a cliffhanger. Nate takes B home and she takes his hand and asks him to stay. There is a moment, and then it cuts to Chuck showing up. So you are meant to think NB is happening again.

DS: Dan doesn't actually have a story line this episode. He just hangs out with Vanessa and Nate while Serena looks for Blair with Chuck. Serena finds him at the party and slaps him because she found out about the teacher, but DS still end on a friendly note.

Source: Xanga

This is apparently a synopsis for Gossip Girl Episode 2.19, the Grandfather.
Does it sound realistic to you?
It kinda sounds believably, but how reputable is this source? ;D


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